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TFC Plaster Sealer (Prices From)
TFC Plaster Sealer (Prices From)
TFC Plaster Sealer (Prices From)

TFC Plaster Sealer (Prices From)

Regular price
R 189.00
Sale price
R 189.00

Tile & Floor Care Plaster Sealer is a uniquely designed waterproofing compound that seals of designated wet areas before laying tiles. Plaster Sealer’s polymer enriched compound eliminates the need for waterproof membranes in applications in designated wet areas such as showers, bathrooms, saunas, jacuzzi’s, pool areas, cement slabs, patios, e.c.t. Once applied Tile & Floor Care Plaster Sealer becomes an internal part of the cement plaster. Plaster Sealer provides complete peace of mind so that you can build showers, bathrooms and other wet areas and not have to worry about water migrating past the barrier and causing damage to other parts of the building. Plaster Sealer is easy to apply, just mix the powder to a paintable slurry and paint it onto raw plaster, the thicker the coating, the more protection offered (Plaster Sealer is also trowel-able). Plaster Sealer not only seals but also provides a perfect key for tile adhesives and other decorative finishes like paints. Allow to dry overnight and then simply continue to tile over as normal. Plaster Sealer works over many surfaces and can act as a primer for area’s like face brick and PVA paint, dry walling, chipboard, e.c.t. Plaster Sealer may be used to seal walls and floors, interior and exterior. The fibre content ensures crack bridging and strength. Plaster Sealer may also be used to seal ponds and other water works. Plaster Sealer may also be applied to the open end of damp areas when getting to the wet side is impossible. Plaster Sealer may be applied to slightly damp areas without the risk of failure.

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