Only available one month before planting season
Teff grass is an annual grass species adapted to a broad range of conditions. This tufted grass produces ample fine leaves and stems which makes it an ideal crop for hay production for livestock and commercial hay farmers. The fast emergence of seedlings provides protection to the soil and is often used as erosion control.
This grass is best adapted to districts where the annual rainfall is approximately 600 mm per annum, but can be cultivated in areas with an annual rainfall as low as 400 mm per annum.
Kg/ha 15 - 20
Plant September - December
4 – 8 t DM/ha/season
Depending on environmental conditions and management -
High quality hay
Widely adapted to different growing conditions
Tolerance to salinity
Drought tolerant
Valuable in erosion control
Used as a "nurse crop" in establishment of perennials