Only available one month before planting season
Rye grass is an annual temperate grass or cereal crop, grown as either a forage- or grain crop. It is categorised as a forage cereal together with Oats and Triticale. Forage cereals produce forage for autumn, winter and spring.
As a forage crop it can be utilised as grazing, silage or hay (if cut at a vegetative stage). Often produced under irrigation, but requires at least 400 mm rainfall per annum for Winter rainfall areas or 500 mm rainfall per annum for Summer rainfall areas.
Kg/ha 50 - 75
Plant February - April
13 t DM/ha/season under full irrigation
2 - 7 t DM/ha/season under dry land or supplemental irrigation
Depending on environmental conditions and management -
Popular winter grazing option
Relatively drought tolerant
Cold tolerant