Only available one month before planting season
Dolichos is a prostrate, twining, herbaceous annual/ biennial crop. It is a summer legume crop with a well-developed taproot system. It is a dual purpose crop; pulse grains (human food) or forage (animal food) utilized by grazing it or in a cut-and-carry system. It can also be used as a cover crop/ green manuring.
The minimum annual rainfall requirements for Dolichos are 450 mm, but production greatly increases in higher rainfall areas.
Kg/ha 20 -25
Plant October - November
Grain yields: 1 - 3 t /ha/season
Forage yields: 4 - 12 t DM/ha/season
Depending on environmental conditions and management -
Fixes atmospheric Nitrogen
Dual purpose legume
High forage quality
Green manure and cover crop application
Drought tolerant