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TFC Smart Seal (Prices from)
TFC Smart Seal (Prices from)
TFC Smart Seal (Prices from)

TFC Smart Seal (Prices from)

Regular price
R 345.00
Sale price
R 345.00

Smart Seal is the latest and most advanced water based sealer available. It incorporates the latest international technology. It is very simple to use and is suitable for most types of tiles. Smart Seal will out perform any other water based sealer available for ease of application, protection offered and cost effectiveness. Smart Seal is the most cost effective sealer for the following reasons: shortest down time – wash and seal in a few hours (not days). Impregnating sealer – does not change the surface characteristics. Smart Seal is a breathable sealer. That means that it will not fail on application to slighltly damp areas. Smart Seal dries quickly and cures quicker than all other un-accelerated water based sealers. Smart Seal may be used as added stain protection over other decorative water based sealers.

Available in following sizes 1L, 5L and 25L.


1. Real all instructions and tips before the application so that you can plan the application correctly.

2. Mask off any adjacent surfaces that need to be protected during the application.

3. Test for desired results in an inconspicuous area before continuing the application.

4. Shake well before use.

5. Ensure that the tile is clean and free from grout, cement, oil, wax and other stains. (Clean with the correct TFC products if necessary).

6. Ensure that the floor and grouting are uniformly dry before application. Wait approx. 2 – 4 hours before applying.

7. Using a TFC Sheepskin Applicator apply a liberal coat of Smart Seal to the surface. The surface should look wet for 3 – 5 minutes.

8. Allow to dry for 30 minutes then apply another (thin) coat. Apply more coats at 30 minutes intervals (if required) until the sealer no longer penetrates and begins to sit on top of the surface.

9. Wipe off any excess sealer after 5 minutes if it does not penetrate.

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