Only available one month before planting season
Arrowleaf clover is an annual legume used for both grazing and fodder conservation (hay or silage). It exhibits good cold tolerance and germinates well at low temperatures. It is well suited to loam and sandy soils with acidic pH, where its deep tap root can penetrate up to 1.5m into the ground thus sourcing moisture from lower in the soil profile.
This helps extend the pasture growing season. Arrowleaf clover provides good quality feed that is non-bloating. It has high levels of hard seed making it persistent in cropping rotations or under heavy grazing situations.
Plant March - April
Kg/Ha 12 - 15kg
5-10 t DM/ha/season
Depending on environmental conditions and management -
Fixes atmospheric nitrogen (N)
Ideal winter grazing with high organic matter production
Adds protein, digestibility and dry matter to mixed species pastures
Low bloating occurrence
Very palatable and nutritious forage
This clover is capable of large seed yield