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Automatic Breeder Drinker (MK5)
Automatic Breeder Drinker (MK5)

Automatic Breeder Drinker (MK5)

Regular price
R 665.00
Sale price
R 665.00

The Breeder Drinker is ideal for Breeder Chickens. The drinker is fitted with an independant ballast which must be filled with sand or cast in concrete to stabilize the drinker. It comes standard with hanging attachments, a 3 meter PVC flexible water pipe and a clamp saddle with a shut off valve. Most of the assembly parts are also interchangeable with the Automatic Broiler Drinker.


Drinking Capacity : 100 birds per drinker
Water Pressure : 0.15 to 0.2 Bar
Application : From 7 days to end of life cycle
Dimensions : Height 533mm, Diameter 357mm
Part number 500
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