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TFC Nano Boost (Prices from)
TFC Nano Boost (Prices from)
TFC Nano Boost (Prices from)

TFC Nano Boost (Prices from)

Regular price
R 355.00
Sale price
R 355.00

Tile & Floor Care Nano Boost is developed using the latest Nano-technology. It is perfectly suited to treat nano sealed tiles and other hard, low porosity tiles. Nano Boost is an impregnating sealer and therefore lives inside the tile. Nano Boost will not change the natural look and features of the tile. What you see is what you get except now with extra protection. As Nano Boost live within the tile it offers a long life span. Nano Boost is a breathable sealer i.e. it allows vapor transmission through the tile and will therefore not lift or peel.



1. Read all instructions and tips before the application so that you can plan the application correctly.
2. Mask off any adjacent surfaces that need to be protected during the application.
3. Test for desired results in an inconspicuous area before continuing the application.
4. Ensure the tile is clean and free from all residues, detergents, grout, cement, oil, wax
and other stains. (Prepare with the correct TFC products.)
5. Ensure that the tile is totally dry before applying the sealer. (If unsure wait ± 48 hours
after cleaning.)
6. Using a TFC Sheepskin Applicator, apply a thin even coat of Nano Boost.
7. Buff any excess treatment from the surface after 15 minutes. Use a clean terry cloth,
mutton cloth or paper towlling. Ensure all excess treatment is removed before it dries on
the surface.
8. Wait for the treatment to dry for ± 2 hours.
9. Apply a second and third coat if necessary.
10. Allow to cure before trafficking. (± 12 hours).


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